The Art of Connecting

Episode 24| Kaitlyn McKay: Creating a Potential 100 Million Dollar Connection With A Phone Call Through Cold DM's

October 18, 2023 Haydynn Fike

To the Art of Connecting podcast, this is your host Hayden Fike back here with another episode today and today I am honored to have Miss Caitlin Mackay on with us. Me and Caitlin have known each other for almost a year now, which is kind of unbelievable because it feels like yesterday. When we first met Caitlin is the chief operating officer for the action academy, the mastermind that you have heard me mention so many times in previous episodes. I am so blessed to have Caitlin on here today. She is just what I think of when I, when I picture someone who would be on the arc connecting, she is such a wonderful connector. And I'm just so happy to have her on to tell you about what she's doing, her mission and the person that she is. So I could talk forever. Caitlin, welcome. How are you doing today? I'm doing fabulous, Hayden. I love talking with you. You're seriously one of my favorite people to talk with because every single time I have talked to you, I have learned something and I've gone and done something afterwards as well. So you have a gift. So I'm excited to be


excited to hear. Cause a lot of times I feel like I'm just talking into the wind. So, but want to. Kind of roll right into it. Caitlin has another podcast right after this that she's recording. So her time is precious. I want to get as much of her talking and as little of me talking as possible. So Caitlin, if you could kick us off and just tell us a little bit about what you do as far as the connecting world and, and just business and life


totally Hayden. And I definitely just have to preface this that like I'm still at the beginning and I'm still learning by doing because a very brief background on me is like I'm a stay at home mom of four kids. I listened to the Action Academy podcast last year, jumped into it and just started doing the basic entrepreneurial thing. You buy a house, you next buy a small multifamily, then you start digging into like bigger commercial real estate, started looking into self storage, realized that wasn't super up my alley as compared to capital raising and, you know, just connecting people in general. And so right now, just to bring you up to speed I'm basically working on connecting people on the daily. I talk to probably about 25 new people each day. I reach out to different individuals within the Action Academy and I connect those people together. But then I also reach out to different Facebook groups and other different tribes and see how I can help support and pour into them. And it's crazy because I'm similar to you, Hayden. In the sense of like you meet someone and you're like, Oh my gosh, I know your perfect match. I know the exact person you're looking for. Oh, you're wanting to buy this multifamily and you're an underwriter. I know your capital raiser. And it's just so fun to put these people together with the exact person they're looking for. So that's kind of what my day to day looks like right now is helping people. To get connected to help push them further down the path. So the answer is always, always people. And so I'm just trying to help get as many people


So how did you end up starting doing that? What, what kind of led to you having this passion to connect people?


Well I mean, we can skip whole train to match make people in college, but like in the


Let's start there.




Cause this is This is important.


let's start there. Okay. Okay, so when I was in college, I was put over the activities in my church and just to help all the, like, young single adults kind of get together and mingle and have fun. And there was some different couples that I definitely thought could get together, but you know, in the dating world, it's definitely like hard to. match people together. They don't want to be forced. And so I created something where it was like a guy's competition to where they like won a date with a girl in church. And so we had like 16 girls sign up to be like the dates and 16 guys sign up to be, you know, the people who would basically fight to get a date with a gal. And I actually match make. would match, make them together. And one of them got married. And so it was just really exciting because I knew both their backgrounds. And so I just have a desire to help people find what's missing in their life. And so that's a little bit of how it started. And then back with the action Academy back in February we had a lot of people saying like, Hey, I want to meet that person and that person. And so I was just like, you know what, Brian, is it okay if I just kind of. Connect people in the group together and he's like, yeah, that'd be amazing and fabulous. And so I kind of just started very nonchalantly just connecting people together. But as we've, you know, come to this point, you know, whenever someone joins, I connect them with five people in the asset class that they've decided to choose. So immediately their network just explodes five each week for the first month. And they have these people who are, you know, five steps or 10 steps ahead of them. And so I've just seen that. All of us are always searching for like, how do I do this? How do I do this? But it's like, no, who knows how to do this? And who can I speak with because that person has already done their 10, 000 hours. I don't need to go do my 10, 000 hours. I can speak with the person who's already done it. And we're going to get there faster together. And so those people and those mentors that you see when you seek to serve them first, they can't wait to pour into you. And so I just, I love the art of connecting. I love what you're doing and helping people to connect together because that's literally the answer to everything.


Yeah, I that's been my experience as well is if you just bring value to the people that need value to be provided, like the people who are doing the things that you want to do, they have a lot of needs. That's something that I kind of realized and didn't see for a long time is you think it's so hard to go and talk to a business owner, you get intimidated by the fact that, oh, this person has 4000 units, or they have a 500 employees or whatever it may be, whatever situation you're in. And then you, I've realized like these people, they need help, like, because they've had all this stuff going on. If you can come and provide value for that person, whatever that may be, it may be sending out 10 text messages a week because they don't have time to text this person and you text them on their behalf as their assistant unpaid. It could be something like that to where you just. You create that connection they see the value and and it's immediately like your life can be changed from that and that's kind of what I Started to notice.


I totally agree. And you're literally like one connection away from changing your life, every single connection. And something you made me. think of while you were saying that was part of my daily habits when I first got started in the Action Academy, when I was trying to create my little Airbnb cleaning business, which, you know, ended up not happening. But one of my habits was to talk to five new people in the Airbnb space, Airbnb owners, so that I could, you know pick their brain, figure out what to do for my cleaning business. One of those connections was through Facebook on an Airbnb page, this guy posted, Hey, just made 20 million from this Airbnb X, Y, and Z thing that I did. And I thought, huh, that sounds like a very interesting person to talk to reached out. I shot him a DM and said, Hey, I think it's phenomenal what you just did. I would love to hop on a call and see how I can help support you on your journey. We hop on a call and turns out he's a nine figure dude. This nine figure dude just hanging around Facebook and you know, we fast forward to today. I am now funneling people over to his business who are needing coaching and mentorship. That's something he needed. He has hundreds of millions of dollars, but he needed mentees. That's what he loves to do. He's got enough money in the world, but he wants to pour back into other people. And I was able to find a need that he needed filled. And so, like you just said, it doesn't matter if they have a million, a hundred million, whatever they have, everyone has a need. And when you can help support other people, they will give back to you tenfold. They will make sure that your dreams and that you are taken care of as well. So hmm. 100%.


or if they have no money also I I have a friend and I won't mention his name, but he's he's not like Financially out there like making it but that doesn't matter. He he is continually bringing value to me And I'm not making it either. I just, I just connect people for a living and but he's continually connecting me to new people, bringing me value. And I'm literally going to bat for him. I'm trying to find him a mobile home park to, for him to run and to partner up with someone. And I already have three that have just come down the pipe from a few people that I've talked to just tossing things out. So like if you bring value to someone, like if you were to bring value to someone like me, I don't have millions of dollars at all. I barely have a few thousand you know, but I am able to help you get to where you want to go. And so if someone starts it's, it's, I do everything in my capability to help that person succeed. And it's just, it's our human nature. We want to help people succeed that help us.


I 100 percent agree. And like, you know, it's not about money. It's about mindset. If somebody's eager and hungry, because when I joined the Action Academy, I'd say I was at the bottom of the totem pole. Everyone was making all this money. Everyone had all these properties. Like, I mean, me and you kind of joined with like one property to our name and we were You know what I, and exactly. And so it's like, who am I here? What am I doing here? What allows me to be in this room with people who are working at Boeing and Google and all these different companies making 200 to, you know, 500, 000 a year in their W 2s. Like I'm the biggest pretender of them all. I'm a stay at home mom of four kids who hasn't actually had a job in six years. You know what I mean? So it just shows you it has nothing to do with money. It's all about mindset and surrounding yourself, not just with wealthy people, because you know, I'll come across different people that I'm connecting with that I can just tell are a little sour and you know what? That's okay. They can have their wealth and their path. And I don't want any part of it. I want to be connecting with people who are kind, abundant. And that's honestly why the trip we went on with the Action Academy was so incredible. It was because people were so abundant. that they had more to give and you were getting poured into constantly. And so you, if you become like your five closest people to you, you want to be surrounding yourself with kind, abundant, giving people who are seeking to serve first. Cause then that'll become yourself.


Oh man. Pour the fire on us. Love it. Caitlin. So let's I want to talk about how you are so intentional with connecting people. Do you have any system set up? Do you, like, how do you plan your day to be so intentional to talk to so many people?


Well, I have a couple systems set up and thank you, by the way, that's very nice compliment. I have a couple systems. One with the Action Academy is if you join the Action Academy, say you're into multifamily, like I said, you're going to get connected with five people for the first four weeks so that you just have people who are. I'm able to help you through that process. Secondly, with people who are current members we're shifting this up and trying to transition to best meet needs, but we'll help connect people who are in the same asset class. So Hayden, you're in storage, you know, we'll have another individual who's in storage as well. Have you guys connected together? Thirdly, A lot of people just know I'm the connecting girl, so they'll shoot me a DM and be like, Hey, can you connect me with this person? Hey, can you connect me with this person? And I just do brief intros for them. And so not too much of a system on that one. And in regards to 25 connections per day, I actually have a virtual assistant who goes into DMs, goes into different Facebook pages, and actually connects with people who are just like the hidden rock stars in those groups. And he shoots them a DM for me. It has like a little brief little intro that talks about myself and just kind of who I'm looking to connect with and then from that, we usually set up, you know, anywhere from three to five calls off of those people, and those people are usually the cream of the crop, and so a lot of connections have actually been coming out of the woodworks from this. different people who are wanting me to, help, you know, transition connections their way. And so funny enough, I hopped on the call with Brian last night and he said that he just met somebody who has, who's currently bringing in a hundred thousand dollars per month. And they have somebody who does that full time for them.


That's coming down the pipe for me. Yeah, that's that's coming down the pipe for me. I I'm probably, I'm not saying this is the only person that does this, but I'm going to be one of a few, probably I'm building a CRM specifically for creating this web of connections for me to be. Uber intentional. If I meet someone that says I want to start a creative short term rental on the side of a mountain, I want to be able to type that into my CRM and give them three to five people to go and call. So I am literally taking the 1300 contacts I have in my phone. Importing every single one of those into my CRM, and I'm going to know what city they're in, email, phone number, and what they do. So that way, and I'll make notes of each person, and you know, as best as I remember meeting them, I'll write the notes that I know. And so I will be able to within the next six months, if you come to me and say, Hey, I need to meet this person, I can go into my personal, I guess it's going to be like a mega Rolodex of like, all the connections I have, if you're getting in New York, and you say, I need to meet a hedge fund guy, I can literally just be like, here you go. This is who you need to go talk to. And I'm super excited for that. It's going to take a lot of work. But I'm putting in the effort to do that because I know that I can better serve others if I am keeping track of it myself. So, Do you use any sort of CRM or like, what do you use to keep track of people? Cause I know for me, I am just like a hot air balloon. I'm all over the place right now. I'm just like a thousand messages that I haven't read. Like that is not even an exaggeration. There's a thousand unread messages in my phone. And I'm just like, how do I keep up with this?


Yes. No. Honestly, you've inspired me when you talked to me yesterday about doing that. I was like, yep, I'm going to be doing that exact same thing because my current system, it's helpful and it's useful. And because I don't have as many contacts, it's not too bad. But as they grow, You know, I'm going to want to have more of a system. Currently right now, I have a, you know, a spreadsheet that has like a list of potential capital partners for self storage slash JV partners, different people who have over the course of my self storage, you know, time said, Hey, I'd be interested in partnering or had be interested in you know, putting capital towards a storage deal. I'm looking for storage. So might be something helpful to throw your way, Hayden, since you are devoted to storage. Thank you. And then I have like another one that has like a list of capital raisers. So right now I'm actually working on meeting two capital raisers per day so that I can grow the network and grow the different strategies that these different capital raisers are using. And so I just. I can, I also have, I see that's why I have too many CRMs that I have another CRM with action Academy of every person that, you know, our virtual assistant goes into and, you know, sets up a call for me. So too many CRMs right now would love to consolidate. Definitely think it needs a system similar to what you're talking


so I'm Consolidated. This is not sponsored by this or anything. I don't even get enough listens that it would matter but not yet I am using monday. com and so what I love about Monday is I can set up I have a real estate CRM and I have a connection CRM and it's literally just like one tab that I click in between They're modeled pretty much the same, but I have a contact list, which is my, my connections list. And then in my real estate CRM, I have a broker list. So what agency are they with? Who's their team lead? What's their email? What's their phone number and what dealer are they attached to? And then on the connection side, I have, you know, the, who are do I meet them? What do they do? And then I also have a deal section in there. So. So I'm starting up my consulting business in helping people get connected to who they need to get connected to. And eventually charging for those services. I'll connect them to the deal and track, you know, revenue produced and things like that. And all of my KPIs


I love that. Again, another example of learning something from you that I'm now going to go do so I appreciate that. And I also love that you said that I'm going to be charging for eventually, because one of the mentors I work with, I was just like, I feel like I'm providing all this value. And like, I've maybe should figure out how to charge for it. And he's just like, yes, but don't charge Like, don't stop giving free connections right now, keep giving those free connections, keep giving, just operate in abundance, because guess what, you're gonna be, when you're operating in abundance, you're gonna be serving everyone else around you, so, I love that you say


you know, I, I really want to charge as little as possible. And I, I got a text from Michael who's in Action Academy and he's like, Hey, I have a consulting business and just to warn you, like charging too little can be dangerous. And I was like well, I need to have that phone call. But. I, you know, I want to give as much as possible and like I live on the minimum. I don't have a crazy, I don't have a nice house. I drive a Prius with like 230, 000 miles on it. My goal is to be able to give as much to people as I can. And, but I had kind of a switch flip in my brain recently. And this is all kind of like post Costa Rica clarity, I feel like. But how I'm buying, I'm going to get a chat GPT pro membership so that I'm able to have AI. Improve my processes and I'm, I'm investing in Calendly. So I'm going to have a pro subscription for there so that I can have a 15 minute phone call, a 30 minute phone call and a podcast intro, kind of all separated out so people can schedule time on my calendar that works better for them. That costs money. My podcast costs 40 a month to operate at the moment at like the bare minimum that I have it. And I came to this realization thinking like, If I could charge 2, 000 to help someone raise, not raise this, it's not to help someone get connected to someone else that brings them 300, 000. That's not a bad trade. And, and if I were to get 2, 000 from the business that this is, that allows me to invest in those systems and to be even better, to be more efficient, to meet more people, make more connections. And. One day hire someone to edit my podcast for me so I can put more content out and do even better. So that's kind of how I'm trying to look at it to invest in myself. And this is not the Hayden show. This is the Caitlin show. I just talk too much, but that's what my thoughts are right now.


No, you talked just enough, and I'm taking notes, some mental notes.


So you're going to see a lot coming up of really cool things that are happening as I invest in the business, invest in myself. And, but with investment needs to come revenue, right? Absolutely. So Caitlin, I want to talk about the 100 million phone call. You don't have to mention names or anything like that, or even get too specific. And I usually don't love to talk about money on this show, but the faces that I get, I was at dinner last night with some celebrities in the motor world, and the faces that I got when I told them that I was having someone on my podcast that potentially raised a hundred million on a phone call, they, they were, they were some crazy faces. Can you talk about that story?


Yeah, I sure can. I, I guess let's just start from that day. I, or I guess there's a day before I got a phone call or a text message from somebody in the Action Academy who said, Hey, I have a friend who's looking to raise 5 million for his I'm excited. business fund. He's going to eventually buy 100 million worth of businesses, but he just wants to do the first 5 million business raise. And I was like, you know what? I think I have an investor who's actually looking to invest into the type of business that he is going to be purchasing. I go, you know what? I would love to connect these guys together and see what value I can add to them. And so I set up a phone call for that next day. I was just driving my daughter to school. Very casual day. And you know, as I was on the phone call you know, my investor, he was like, Hey, so, you know, Caitlin said that you also have some other business raises you're trying to do as well. How much would you be looking for to fund the whole. The whole shebang, all the businesses you're trying to buy over the next year. And he said, well it'd be around a hundred million dollars. He said, all right, well, let's talk about terms. And they kind of went back and forth a little bit about terms and my investor loved it. He was like, well, what if I brought all a hundred million dollars? And my that my friend was a little bit taken back and he's like, wait, what? You want to invest all like you want to invest in all of these purchases? And he's like, yeah, I really liked the return. It's insane. And it's exactly what I'm looking for. And he was really taken back and he really didn't even know what to say too, because he didn't believe that somebody would just offer a hundred million dollars. A lot of people don't just have that hanging around. And so he said, Hey, I. Really want to talk more in depth about this. So let's, let's set up a follow up call and we can kind of talk about what this might look like to where we're both, you know, compensated in a way that makes sense. And so long story short, we ended up all hopping on a phone call a bit later and you know, he doesn't have the full a hundred million dollars worth of businesses yet. He has. Once lined up, but we're taking a step back and we're going to do the first purchase for the 18 million. And so we've been setting up phone calls weekly going over the financials of financials come out this next week. And so we're kind of going through this process. And so, yes. And believe it or not, that contact was the one I made on Facebook on the Airbnb page. So don't underestimate the power of connecting with anyone and everyone. One phone call.


One off of a Facebook group. Yeah. I think that Facebook groups I was talking with Aaron Murray, who I had on the show before, he runs a lot of restaurants in town. And I was talking with him last night and I was like, he was asking me about buying some land. He wants to buy some land in, in a smaller town in Tennessee. And he's like, it's like 40, 000 an acre. I just feel like, that's too that's too much. That's paying for multifamily developments. And He was like where should I go to find it? And I was like, dude, Facebook groups, not marketplace. Marketplace is great, but everyone can see marketplace. Facebook groups are a goldmine. Like if you can go into a Facebook group, I told him about the land flipping groups where these people are sending out thousands and thousands of mailers every single day to buy land. I was like, dude, go in there and post that you're looking to buy land in the city you're looking for. You'll probably have three DMS by the end of the week that they're doing marketing that area. And as soon as they get something, they'll, they'll send it to you. And they'll sell it to you for 70 percent of the value of it. Cause they want to sell it quick and in cash. And he's like, why would someone sell And I was like, cause they're getting it for 50. And this is their business. And he was like, really? Like that exists? I was like, yup. Go in the Facebook group and start reaching out to people. Search Tennessee. The beautiful part is you can literally go into a Facebook group and then there's a sub search bar in there and you can search for whatever term you're looking for. Like, if you want to search Tennessee, you can see every single operator in Tennessee and that's listing stuff. And you can go dm that person and say, this is what I'm


percent agree. And that's why, you know, this business that I was telling you about, Brian, like, they're making 100, 000 a month because of this full time DMer who's bringing them new leads constantly because, you know, as times have shifted, we're not having as many group gatherings. A lot of the gatherings are virtually. And so these millionaires, billionaires, are showing up and freaking Facebook. And so if you're able to just have a consistent, maybe five to ten pages that you or a virtual assistant look at every single day, and you know who's in it, you're gonna know who the rock stars are, and you're gonna be able to create these life changing relationships. It sounds so simple, but It really is.


so another thing that I've found too is being active on the big players. So I'll just Aaron Amutrasteghi here. Um, I follow him on Instagram. He's got about 14, 000 followers, something like that. And, but a lot of these people that post amazing content are really big players in the investment field. A lot of times or business field or whatever you're looking to get into. They don't have a ton of activity. Like if you comment on something, they are going to see it. Even though they have all these followers, if you comment on several posts, they will see it. Like, Aaron likes all the comments that I put on there. Now, I've met him before, so that's helpful, but, but even if I hadn't, like, if I commented on five different posts, like insightful comments, like, this is so helpful, or, hey, this is insightful, what about this? They're gonna notice eventually. And then that can tee up a conversation. I was at a Tom Ferry event the other day who he said, he says he's the number one real estate coach in the world. he, he coaches a lot of realtors. Like he has. And, I met him in person and he, like, I stayed until the end. I just hung out until the end. Like I was the last person in the line. So we talked for like five minutes and he was like, Oh, you need to know this person, this person, this person, send me a DM on Instagram, 350, 000 followers. I sent him a DM day later, he messaged me back and a personalized message. Thank you for coming out. You know, your questions were insightful. So like, It doesn't matter how many followers these people have, how much money they have, their DM inbox is wide open. Because almost no one is DMing people.


100 percent agree. And like, that's honestly one of the biggest takeaways I had from the action academy course was how to attract mentors, how to, you know, set notifications on different people's Instagrams that you're trying to follow and make those connections with, because I've had the exact same results, like my mentors that I've received is through setting that notification button anytime they. Post anything, you know, giving them feedback, talking about it, because yes, I mean, I'm in the DMs too, I mean, Logan Rankin, Chris Harden, Brittany Turner, I'm talking with these people in their DMs weekly, and you know, they're 100x what I currently am. But I support their mission and I want to feed into them one day. Right now I currently can't, but like my ultimate like mission is to be able to be able to raise enough funds to be able to fund it into Brittany Turner's


I gotta stop you, you just used the wrong word. Right now I currently don't. Not that I currently can't. You most definitely can. Right now you just don't. So, that's you guys need to watch your watch your language. Watch your mouth


I do, I do,


Never tell yourself that you can't do. something ever because you always can it is literally you are one connection one message One comment, whatever it is one handshake away from that being a reality.


I agree. I agree 100%. And you know, I think when you really figure out what your why is, you start serving the people who you're supposed to serve because My why, currently, is to, like, I, when I saw the Sounds of Freedom, I really had a call to action that I would love to help support those people who are fighting and trying to protect these children, and it's very odd because, like, the very next week, I started getting down the path of capital raising and making these connections with different people, and yes, I would love to help capital raise in the real estate aspect, but if I can figure out how to raise 100 million in a phone call, Why can I figure out how to raise a hundred million dollars to go help protect these kids? And so like that, why is bigger than me? It's a lot bigger than me. And so you know, because that is such a hard, why I will get to my, I will just take those daily, daily steps to get there. So I don't care how long it takes. If I'm just doing those daily actions, reaching out to the people, like momentum continues. And so that's my current why. And I'm not sure of the exact, exact path there, but I just, like I said, I have everything set up. I have my three year goal, my five year goal. And, you know, within five years, I want to have raised, you know, 500 million for Brittany Turner's business to help save these. I know business is probably not the best word, nonprofit, to be able to help, you know, rescue these children. My three year goal is to be able to have around a million dollars of Of annual income from just purely connections. So similar to yourself. So we'll definitely have to continue to talk more about this and kind of the different strategies I have in order to hit that. I think that a million dollars is very possible just based off of the amount of people we talk to every single day. I actually had a call with two guys who are significantly more wealthy than myself. And one of them said to me, you know, if Caitlin keeps doing what she's doing, she's going to be far wealthier than both of us. And I just thought, what, what is the secret you're talking about? Can you tell me what that is? Like, what strategy are you talking about going to build wealth? And he's like, your connections, you have, I have money, you have connections, and that's actually far more valuable right now


what I hear all the time. So I, this is again, I just am so clear on my goals. Finally, like, it just feels like this clouds been lifted off of my head and I'm cashing in. I have like 8, 000 in bonds than I have like sitting. Making a little bit of money, but I am literally like going all in like I'm cashing that in I'm getting the systems getting By purchasing the help. I've got someone making graphics for me right now for the real estate group that I'm starting and like I am leaning So hard into connections because I meet people like the people I met last night 100 plus million And not that the dollar amount really is that big of a deal. They're, they're people with a heartbeat and they care about you just like anyone else. But the resources you're able to deploy and the people you're able to help through that, having that connection is, is incredibly helpful. And they were just, they were really receptive and happy to hear about what I'm doing. And they're like, man, you're going to go so far. That's why I hear every time I tell people what I'm doing, like your network is your net worth and that kind of stuff. And I think about it in the way of like, your network is who you can help, right? Like, if there's a problem so big, you know, like a hurricane rolls through your hometown, and you're like, man, there's just so much devastation and poverty going on here. To be able to make a few phone calls and help relieve that. Because you have connections or like you're mentioning to be able to help put an end to human trafficking That's the kind of stuff that comes from it because a lot of the people I meet are like, you know It's not all about the money and they are so right. I guess not just about the money. It's what impact can the money have? And building connections, I feel like just create compounds out your impact ability.


I agree 100 percent because Chris Harden, one of the guys I follow, he says this time and time again, he's like, when good people have good money or have money, they go out and do good things. And so bad people will always have money. They will always have money. That's why more good people need to increase their net worth. They need to increase their network because when they have more funds, they will go out and do more good. And so I believe that it is the mission of all of us to build the talents we've been given. In order to go serve the people around us, because we weren't meant just to sit behind a desk and be told what to do all day long. We were created to do amazing, incredible things. We all have gifts and talents that are so specific. And when you're operating in that zone of genius, you are serving everyone around you, and you will find


Oh my gosh. That's, that's a social media reel right there. Woo man. I love how passionate both of us are about this. And it's funny because I was talking on the phone with someone in action academy the other day and they're like, Caitlin's kind of doing something like you, and I was like, yeah, we just copy each other all the time. Like Caitlin will start doing something and I'll copy and I'll do. something and Caitlin will copy. Like we're doing not the same thing because you are. Caitlin guys, when I tell you, Caitlin is doing like so much more than I am. Like I have a day job and, and you know, I've got all this other stuff going on. I, I invest Caitlin is fully all in on building people up and like. Your income how much like what would you like you don't have to go into too specific But like if you if you say a multiple


I don't. Income's a number.


gone up in the last year?


It's incredible, Hayden, because I had zero income when I joined the Action Academy. I'm a stay at home mom. I hang out with my kids at the park and the zoo. And the first amount of income came from my properties, the Airbnb, and then this multifamily, which is around like 4K a month. Which is incredible. I didn't realize you can make 4k with two properties like that's quite exciting and then in regards to just my other pipelines of you know My action academy base different referrals and affiliates That you know and different just side projects that come into my world I mean around maybe eight to ten k from those per month and so You know, not even the fourplex has expenses. Henry's over fixing stuff a lot. So we're feeding it back into it, but you know, you could say around, you know, 12 to 14, 000 is what has now been brought just with changing my network over the course of a


guys, that's that's the difference that it can make and Caitlin also like I want to shout this out before I forget we'll say it at the end again, too But caitlin is on social media She doesn't have a huge following yet, but she will. So you guys want to get in before the bandwagon. But so Caitlin is in her van with the kids, like in the back on the road, in the house, fixing things you get, if you want to see someone's journey, follow Caitlin on Instagram guys, or Facebook, or wherever you, wherever you listen to your things and watch consumer consumer media. But I am having such a ball getting to watch Caitlin's progression. And like every time I see a new video, I'm just like, what the heck? Like she's over here doing these crazy, crazy things. And man, is it going to be a sight to see and watch it unfold until, you know, when Caitlin has 100, 000 followers and subscribers, you can just be like, Oh, I followed her first. You know, I was there when she had 500 followers. So it's so much fun to watch that and see that.


I appreciate that Hayden. And I love, I mean, it's reciprocated. Like I'm watching you doing storage. I'm watching you, you know, trying to fix the, you know, the door on things. And so it's like, it's amazing to be able to watch people's journeys. And I feel like, you know, sharing the good, bad and ugly because real estate, there's some really high days and there's some really low days and you know, some really depressing days, some really like you feel cold, hard, depressed. And it's like, what happened to that happy Caitlin? What happened to that happy person? And the thing is, is that. when you're able to share those moments, you know, I had, five guys reach out to me and said, I had deals fall through. It's hard. No one talks about the ugly side of real estate and investing that when you're so excited about a project and it falls through, like it's normal to feel that sadness and that loss. But you know, in the end you have to get unemotional about real estate, because deals come and go and you know, it's, it's just gotta be a numbers game. So I appreciate that.


Deals come and go, but the people that you work with, the people that support you, the people that prop you up when you're down, those do not come and go. So if we lean into that, man like, and this goes for anything, like if you're working in a W2 job and you sit at the desk every day, if you want to get out of that, Call Caitlyn and join the Action Academy first off, but I was there, right? I sat at the desk every day, 50 hours a week. And you, you still, your relationships that you have in that position are everything, you know, your boss, like getting along with your boss. Like it's not easy to do sometimes, but like building those relationships with your coworkers and the people that are at your, your church or whatever it may be. Like that's what we have at the end of the day. If everything falls apart, if the dollar goes away, if everything goes wrong, what do we have? We have the people that we can go to and. Ask for help, right? Or work together with and so I try to just lean into that because when things, when everything is wrong, you, if you are so focused on only making the money, you're going to be miserable, you know?


I agree. I I believe as it's been said time and time again that relationships are the highest currency, you know, money will come and go but relationships, they're, they're forever and so you want to create those relationships and you want to, you know, not forget them along the way. I've had to do that with myself. There's been times where I've been so consumed in the excitement of being an entrepreneur Sure. That, you know, I'd go a day, not even talking to one of my kids that much and think, did I strengthen that relationship today? Did I create that connection? And you know, at the end of the day, as we can sit back and I've actually started to practice journaling at the end of my days to kind of one, go over the incredible things you want to make your life worth journaling. You want to live a day that you're excited to write about, that you poured into people that you serve people and that you were poured into as well. And, you know, kind of an evaluation of relationships. Did I pour into my kids? Did I pour into my community? Did I serve those around me? And, you know, as you kind of touch base with yourself and be honest with yourself, maybe one day you did real crappy and, kids got ignored and whatever it might be, you got frustrated with your spouse or whatever it might be, you can say, you know what, today was a tough day. I'm going to go make it better tomorrow. No need to kick yourself when you're down, because we're human. We're not going to be perfect little robots. But as you can say, you know what? I, I know what's of highest currency, which is relationships. I'm going to make sure that's prioritized because what's on your calendar is what your priorities are. And so I've been really evaluating my, my daily checkpoints each day to make sure that those are balanced.


So can you tell me what your calendar looks like? For reference, Caitlin lives in Alaska, so she is, how many time points are you, like how many hours are you?


I'm like four hours behind y'all in Eastern.


So tell me how you, how you form your day to be able to serve your family and serve also all the other people that you take care of as well.


Yeah, well, I, I started with a miracle morning. I'm up at five every morning. I start with scriptures. I do just some meditation, just like trying to strengthen my brain. And then I'll spend a half hour being creative, creating something for the action academy, something that might benefit or help them. I get like my creative brain going because if I just go into tally list, I start feeling like I'm in a job. And so I create for about 30 minutes, and then after that, I'll kind of touch base for about a half hour and get the different admin type things done for the community. After that, I do homeschool with my kid for an hour, and so I get very much one on one time with my daughter, strengthen that relationship. I teach her, I educate her, I'm trying to strengthen her first skill set. Then do an hour of, you know, time with my other kids. We play around, have fun go off to the gym for an hour and then do another hour of work to where I'm reaching back out to community members that community that reached out to me during that time set up different calls later on in the day. And then I come back, do lunch, have that quality time with my kids, teach them, chase them around the house with a pillow, have some fun moments with them. And then I'll have my babysitter come over for about two hours so I can, you know, either hop on a podcast or get some more work things done, get some more phone calls done. I have time to recharge as a mother. I think mothers should get themselves a break. I think they should have a family member or a babysitter come over to take that off their load for an hour a day so that they can show up the way they want to. And then, and then honestly, intermittently throughout the day, I just kind of connect with people. And so I've been so blessed to be able to do this as a full time mom. And figure out how to create this income. I didn't know it was possible. All moms are looking for side hustles. We're looking to make 15 cleaning an Airbnb, 20 watching someone else's kids.


Yeah. Well, and I think of, I'm going to shout another member out of the community, Mason Miranda, you know, you think of someone who has just like taken being a stay at home dad. I see him in his like little basement room all the time with his hat on. And I'm like, He's out here closing on meals left and right like just like boom boom boom like going all the time But he also is like always posting like time with his kids on a walk with his wife all these things It doesn't have to be the chicken or the egg You know if you have the right connections you can do both yeah, I, I love it. Well, you've got another podcast to get ready for. Tell Doug I said hi and that we need to do a storage deal together. is there any la oh, I wanted to ask my, my final question for you. I really, I, I love to ask this question whenever I remember too. What, what is one connection that really just changed the trajectory of your life for you?


Well, I'm guessing you already know the answer, but it was definitely Brian Lubin. I was listening to his podcast back last October. For about four to eight hours a day. Once I found it, because I was like, this is good. I am resonating. I'm at the zoo, freaking out, listening to him talk to Doug, you know, or Mike McCarty about, you know, different, you know, business plans and different ideas and all these different people he's talking to. And when I joined the community, I'm so grateful that he gave me a chance. I came, I didn't have any. Big, fantastical background in real estate or business. But when I offered to help in the community for free, I worked for free. He brought me in and allowed me to do this and has been supporting me all the way through. And that was the person who gave me my chance. And that basically gave me my voice because I was trying to be the vision. I was trying to be the creator of some type of business or some type of, you know, something to help people with resumes, cover letters. And guess what? No one cared about what I was doing. And it's because that's not my role. I am the connector. We have people who are the visionaries. We have people who are the connectors and you need to find your role. And once you find that. You're operating your zone of genius and you're helping all those around you. So I definitely say that it was Brian because that's kind of the pivot that happened in my life to where now I'm getting phone calls every day from people who are needing help with things. I feel so blessed because I was the one phone calling other people, not getting phone calls returned. And I'm like, yes, now I know I'm at my right place because People see that I can help them and that's all we ever want to do. That's all anyone ever wants to do at the end of the day is help other people and feel like they're loved and useful and that they're supporting others. So Brian. Thank you. Hayden. Thank you. Y'all are the


you. Cause I mean, it's just, it truly is like we all reciprocate, right? There's so many things that we have to offer each other. And it's just, it's amazing to get, to be in a place to where we, we share in, in the abundance of things and the gratitude that we have for each other and in the community that we have. So, wow. What an episode I'm. I'm actually kind of thankful in a weird way that you have a podcast after this because we both like I have somewhere I have to be at 232 and I could just talk forever because you're so inspirational to me. And I know you're an inspiration to other people just seeing you in the car. Like sometimes the kids are screaming in the back and you're just like making your video. That is so real. Like this is what reality is like. This is not some prop, like some made up screen movie. This is life. Like this is what we do. And I think that I don't know very many people that really. Do, do it all, not say do it all, but like do the things that you do the way that you do. And, and I'm excited to get to follow that journey and be alongside with you. So guys, it's we're coming up on the time here. So I'm going to tell you a few things that ways that you can help me. I don't ask for much. I like to do things for free. But I do need some help. So there's two things I need you to do. Go to the top of Apple Podcasts or go or go down to the bottom of Apple Podcasts and leave a five star review. If you're on Spotify, scroll up to the top and leave a five star review. We need to undo the two star review that that person left me. So if you can go in and leave a five star review, if you got value out of this. It means the world to me. Those, those make my heart happy. The second thing is, if you want to be a professional connector, like me and Caitlin, or if you just want to get started on connecting, there is a service, or a site called Popple, P O P L, and I have it on the back of my phone, and I have one in my wallet. It was 10 for both of these and there's an app that connects to it. So as you're meeting people, it's your digital business card. You get to brand it and it also tells you to go and follow up with those people and creates a contact list for you. If you go to popple. com, I have a referral code and it's art of connecting. It'll get you 25 percent off and you can get started with your connecting and networking journey. Caitlin, thank you so much for coming on. This is going to be so inspirational for so many people. I can't thank you enough.

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